site map
welcome!the ↳ symbol indicates a subpage.
main links
landing page: you can think of this page as the "gate" to my website! contains site warnings and information as well as webrings on the side.
home: my main page! navigate to all my other pages from here, view my quiz results, visit other cool neocities websites, and find my stamp and button collections here.
about: curious about the webmaster/who i am? look here.
advice column: structured by date, find advice i think is relevant and important to share (recommend age to view is 16+ due to an older teen/adult audience in mind, still rated web 14).
stamps: find stamp graphics i have created here!
shrines: find webpages dedicated to my favorite interests here.↳ HEARTSTEEL shrine: a whole webpage dedicated to the virtual boy band, especially my bias, Sett!
↳ imagine: figure skater shrine: a whole webpage dedicated to one of my favorite nintendo ds games of all time!
scrapbook: a virtual journal dedicated to my dolls and figurines!
resources: looking for advice in coding, web design, mental health, veganism, or other topics? look here.
site map (you are here!): a listing of all the pages on my website and descriptions of them.
web things: you can find all of the webrings, cliques, fanlistings, and clubs i have joined here.
changelog: i list all updates to my website here. see how my website has changed over time!
guestbook: leave a note here if you visit my site! it makes my day! tell me what you like, something about yourself, and be sure to leave your website so i can see it!!